Monday, April 11, 2011

Green Linking

There are a lot of great posts being written out in the cyber-sphere. Here are a few that have caught my eye in the last few days.

On, Jess Zimmerman wrote a short article on how Paris will be powered by body odor

Ode Magazine (a magazine for intelligent optimists) has an uplifting article about reclaiming our childhood sense of wonder

Greenblog has an interesting article on the Japanese offshore wind farm near the epicenter of the March 11th earthquake in Japan reports on the new finding on the dangers of cell phone use.  The finding come after a February report from the Journal of the American Medical Association.  In addition Wired Science has an article about these findings too.

The Chic Ecologist has a duo of posts about one of my very favorite topics, coconut oil.  It's so just not for cooking anymore. Read about a natural skin care product called Just Coco.  and drool over the healthier 'Nutela' option, Cacao Bliss.  I use coconut oil all over my face and it's never looked better!

Here is a timely article on titled  The Transition from Consumer Economy to Conserver Economy

Junkculture has posted photos of beautiful, funky, colorful and eclectic re-use art, super fun!


  1. Wow! That is interesting about the coconut oil for the face. What kind do you use and how do you use it? What does it do for your face?

    Being over 40 and looking for natural ways (not botox) to look good, I'm interested in hearing about this.

  2. Hi Allison! Coconut is a wonderful superfood with lots of uses. I apply it right out of the jar. It's so moisturizing. Apply generously but not dripping, it melts right in your hands. It is antifungal, antimicrobial, and very healing. I recommend buying it online as it's expensive in the markets.

    Spectrum Naturals - Coconut Oil Organic, 14 oz liquid
